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    This report outlines the discharge experiences of 66 individuals living in Enfield or Haringey.
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    In January 2018, Healthwatch Enfield engaged with more than 600 individuals attending the Accident and Emergency department at North Middlesex University Hospital NHS Trust to build an understanding of routes to A&E.
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    Views from Black and Minority Ethnic respondents in North Central London.
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    This report summarises a year-long programme of engagement undertaken in 2017/18 by the five local Healthwatch in the North London Partners area.
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    Over the past year 1456 people told us what matters most to them about health and social care, helping us to inform services about the improvements that people would like to see.
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    In July 2018, we held two events – one in Wood Green and one in Tottenham – for North Middlesex Hospital patients and Haringey residents to come and share their thoughts on what direction North Mid might take in future.
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    North London Partners in Health and Care are currently reviewing the way in which planned operations for bones and joints, such as hip and knee replacements, are delivered.