‘Are you a carer?’ Event Report

Our October 2014 consultation considering a refresh of Haringey’s Health and Wellbeing Strategy had identified a perceived priority for the borough around support for carers, so we ran an event to explore this.


We collaborated with Haringey Council to host an “Are you a Carer?” event supported by the Mental Health Support Association and other local organisations. Download the report to find out what happened.


  • The event was very successful with carers being brought together to share their experiences and increasing their knowledge of the Care Act.
  • The comments highlight the need for similar events and perhaps slightly longer events with more time for Q&A’s.
  • One of the main objectives of the event was to create a Carers forum / reference group.


Download the report here.
If you need it any other format please email info@healthwatchharingey.org.uk or call 020 8888 0579

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‘Are you a carer?’ Event Report

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