Start Well public consultation on changes to NHS maternity services

North Central London Integrated Care Board and NHS England (London) Specialised Commissioning are consulting on proposed changes to maternity, neonatal, and children’s surgical services in North Central London.
Mother and baby

The proposals may have a significant impact on maternity services in North Central London. They could include:

  • The closure of midwife-led birth suites at Edgware Birth Centre, and
  • Either, under Option A (NCL ICB's preferred option) the closure of Royal Free Hospital's maternity and neonatal unit
  • Or, under Option B the closure of Whittington Hospital's maternity and neonatal services.

The graphic below is taken from p.28 of NCL ICB's Start Well Consultation Document

Option A and Option B proposals taken from Consultaion document, NCL ICB

Respond to the consultation

NCL ICB wants to hear from you and hopes you will get in touch with your feedback, questions, and any alternative ideas. You can share your views in a number of ways including by completing the questionnaire.

The consultation documentation can be found on NCL ICB's key information page

The consultation runs until Sunday 17 March 2024.