Healthwatch Haringey seeks young people's views on sexual health services

Survey launched to gather young people’s views and feedback on sexual health services in Haringey.
Sexual health wordcloud

Give us your views and feedback

Haringey Council want to improve young people’s sexual health services for the future. They have asked Healthwatch Haringey to engage with young people, aged 15 to 24, living, studying or working in Haringey, to gather feedback on:

Awareness of current services - Do you know what services there are, where to go, and how to access them?

Experience of current services - Good or bad?

Improvements for the future - Phone services, online services, location, opening hours etc.

We are asking young people, aged 15 to 24, living, studying or working in Haringey, to complete our online survey.

You do not have to have used sexual health services to complete the survey, as we are interested in what sexual health services young people want and need, where they would like them to be, what time they should be open.

Everyone completing the survey will be entered into a raffle for a £50 shopping voucher.

Complete the survey

Our aim in doing this work is to improve young people’s sexual health services in Haringey. To ensure these services are accessible and inclusive to all young people, and available at a time and a place which is convenient for them.

Your views and experiences will be reported anonymously and published on the Healthwatch Haringey website and the Healthwatch England National Reports Library, and shared with wider networks and stakeholders in Haringey.

Sexual health survey poster