Haringey residents join wear a mask campaign

Members of the Haringey community are uniting to urge fellow residents to wear a mask and do the right thing to keep each other safe as the Covid-19 pandemic continues.

Woman Wearing Face Mask

Launched by Haringey Council, the #wearamask campaign video features messages from people from across the community, who are all calling on fellow residents to wear a mask to protect their community, their loved ones, and the NHS.

The video features messages from David Lammy MP, Catherine West MP, the Leader of the Council, and local organisations including Wise Thoughts, Turkish Cypriot Women’s Project and Public Voice.

The video also includes a message from Haringey resident Ken Essex, who turned 100 this year and has raised over £18,000 for Moorfields Eye charity through his 10km walk. On wearing a mask he says, “it’s simple” whilst eight year old Eliza Chughtai says she wears her mask to help her friends.

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I want to thank residents for their amazing effort so far, wearing a mask is one of the things we can do to protect each other, along with regularly washing hands and social distancing. It is proven to help reduce infection rate by reducing the spread of water droplets in the air.

Dr Will Maimaris, interim Director of Public Health, Haringey Council

Help reduce the spread of Coronavirus

Coronavirus usually spreads by droplets through the air from coughs, sneezes and speaking. Scientific evidence shows that when used correctly, wearing a face covering may reduce the spread of coronavirus droplets.

Wearing a mask, social distancing, washing hands and getting a test if you need one are all vital life-saving messages.